Our Movie Reviews Fight Club
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Average Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: August 13, 2005 (by Scott)

Scott's Review:
2.5 out of 5 stars on August 13, 2005

After I saw the movie, I was amazed to learn that it was based on a book. How could that be? Surely the book must read like a screen play if it has any chance of working.

Well, it doesn't. The book does read like a book, and it does work. Much of the dialog you know from the movie is directly taken from the book, and the plot is mostly the same. Well, the plot is a bit different in how it starts and ends, and that leads me to my overall feeling of this book: The movie 'Fight Club' leaves quite a bit of the book 'Fight Club' out of it. What it leaves out, however, is all of the bad bits. There are some plot elements and side tracks that really add nothing to the story, and the movie left them out.

Palahniuk has a way for exploring humanity through its darker side. Viewed as that, this book is an interesting read, but I really suggest you just sit down and watch the movie. It's much more enjoyable.

-- Scott and Michelle