Our Movie Reviews Hitchhicker's Guide To the Galaxy
Release Year: 2005
Average Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: May 7, 2005 (by Scott)

Scott's Review:
3.5 out of 5 stars on May 7, 2005

This movie really sticks well to the previous Hitchhicker's Guide movie and the books. It's extremely well done, and did actually make me laugh out loud, even though I basically knew all the jokes going into it.

That said; it suffers from a problem the book strangely enough doesn't suffer from. There's basically no plot. Strange things happen to Arthur Dent, and you're along for the ride.

As I was watching the movie, I couldn't help but feel that if you're a fan of the books, there's a lot in here for you. Plenty of references to the books, some in-jokes that you'll appreciate, and the fun of seeing these books come alive. If you don't know the books, however, there's probably not much here for you. Sadly, Douglas Adams humor doesn't seem to have made it through intact to the final version of the script, so I fear that non-fans will just end up with a relatively senseless sci-fi/comedy flick.

-- Scott and Michelle