Our Movie Reviews Bourne Supremacy, The
Release Year: 2004
Average Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: January 23, 2005 (by Scott)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
2.5 out of 5 stars on January 23, 2005

Yet another in a long line of movies based on a book I read a long time ago. Even though I read the book a while ago, when I watched this movie, I remembered enough of the book to realize what I was watching pretty much only used the names of the characters.

The plot was so amazingly dumbed down to be insulting. They took the two sentence synopsis of the plot and used it to stitch together a bunch of action scenes that. It really felt like some director decided to recreate the first movie, only he felt constrained by the book. The end result is a chaotic mess that doesn't have any of the soul searching insight of the book.

It's a mildly fun popcorn flick, with some fun action sequences, but you really should read the book, it's much, much better.

-- Scott and Michelle