Our Movie Reviews Bad Santa
Release Year: 2003
Average Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: September 14, 2004 (by Scott)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
1.5 out of 5 stars on September 14, 2004

I've watched movies that are trying their best to offend me, and I've enjoyed them. I've even watched silly, sappy movies that try to tell a cute story and I've enjoyed them. Now, however, I've watched one that tried to do both at the same time, somehow, and I found it to be a miserable experience.

This movie starts off as a story of a con game that pulls off a nonsense con involving a Santa Claus in a store. That part is full of cursing, needless body humor, and such fun. It then hits a brick wall with that story, brings in a bizarre kid, and tries to use the same characters to teach us a lesson about the true meaning of Christmas.

The cute little story is too non sequitur to the first half of the movie to be at all enjoyable. And the ending feels too much like an ending that was tacked on only to make the movie screen better.

There are a few redeeming jokes in here, and the cute ending almost started to warm my heart, so this movie gets half a star better than the rock bottom rating.

-- Scott and Michelle