Our Movie Reviews Matrix Revolutions, The
Release Year: 2003
Average Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: April 11, 2004 (by Scott)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
3 out of 5 stars on April 11, 2004

The trilogy is finally over; we know what happened to the matrix. Well, not really, since we barely know what happened. Before I go on with this review, let me just warn: This review will contain spoilers, proceed only if you don't mind reading how the movie ends.

Okay, warning aside, this movie made the least sense of all three movies to me. If you don't try to figure out what's going on, it's a fun enough movie. A rather clich?? war movie really. There's the underdog struggle. The pep talk to rally the troops. The too-young grunt that ties sequences together. The noble warrior that dies saving a major battle. The too-young grunt that comes back to save the day after watching his noble hero die. The final victory that makes it all worth it.

Well, it's clich?? except for that last part. There's no ending that satisfies you. It's really disappointing too. The story seemed to leave two outs to me. Humanity could lose, and suffer the cycle that was promised by the Architect in the second movie. Either that, or humanity could win, destroy or subjugate the machine world and finally be free.

Neither of those endings happens. Instead, we're left with humanity and the machines in a truce. The matrix still lives, presumably humanity and machines alike are both still trapped in their respective worlds, and the only difference is everyone knows what's really going on now.

So, in other words, humanity lost, but in pulling off that ending, the movie makers managed to miss their opportunity to make it a good, poetic ending. Instead it was just a silly ending.

-- Scott and Michelle