Our Movie Reviews Pirates of the Caribbean
Release Year: 2003
Average Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: January 12, 2004 (by Scott)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
4 out of 5 stars on January 12, 2004

When we started this movie, I really didn't have much hope I would enjoy it. Sure, I'd heard it was a good movie, but somehow I was expecting a cheesy pirate movie that would bore me to tears.

I couldn't have been more wrong. The story is enjoyable. It wasn't overly complex, but it wasn't a simple pirate movie, there was actually a bit of plot to unfold during the picture. The acting was superb. Johnny Depp really did an excellent job portraying the good guy pirate who's a little whacky. Even the bit characters were well done, it felt that there were no real bit characters; everyone had a personality and story, even if that story never made it to the screen.

As if that's not enough for the movie, the effects were really well done. The CGI ghost/skeleton people were convincing enough, and there wasn't really a sharp edge between how they moved, and how the actors playing them moved. I'm sure that's due to motion capture, but nevertheless, it made for an enjoyable movie, lacking "this is an action scene", "this is a CGI scene", and "this is a plot scene" moments that I was initially expecting.

-- Scott and Michelle