Our Movie Reviews Black Hole, The
Release Year: 1979
Average Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: September 5, 2003 (by Scott)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
2 out of 5 stars on September 5, 2003

This is one of the movies that I think I saw completely when I was younger, but I can only recall bits and pieces of it now. So, I decided to rent it and give it another go. It comes from the late 70s, so I expected the plot to be a bit slower than today's films, and the effects to be less than spectacular.

I got all of that, and a super-cheesy plot, complete with cheesy robot characters. It's mildly interesting, but there's not really a lot going for it. For me, it gets two stars only for nostalgia's sake.

-- Scott and Michelle