Our Movie Reviews Ring, The
Release Year: 2002
Average Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: July 20, 2003 (by Scott)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
2 out of 5 stars on July 20, 2003

This seems to be basically the story about a girl who haunts people because her mother made a pact with evil to have her.

Though, I'm not sure about that. The movie leaves quite a lot of loose ends, and problems with its plot. And to top it off, I really didn't find it all that scary. It had its creepy moments, but none of them were really scary. In the end, I suppose this just serves as continuing proof that the horror movie genre isn't for me.

It managed to keep me mildly interested to find out what the ending was. But by the time the predictable ending happened, I was rather disappointed that it never really managed to close up all of the plot issues that were raised.

-- Scott and Michelle