Our Movie Reviews Confidence
Release Year: 2003
Average Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: May 1, 2003 (by Scott)

Scott's Review:
3 out of 5 stars on May 1, 2003

I find it funny. The genre of con movies tends to be very predictable movies. Everyone cons each other, and the least likely characters end up the true profiteers. They're supposed to be hard to guess what's going to happen, as the writer cons you, but that's often not the case.

Sadly, Confidence doesn't quite pull of the write conning the audience bit. The movie is very cookie cutter, and all of the plot twists are completely predictable. It's a fun enough ride, but once the movie introduces the first con game in the opening, you're never really surprised by what happens.

-- Scott and Michelle