Our Movie Reviews Phone Booth
Release Year: 2002
Average Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: May 5, 2003 (by Michelle)

Scott's Review:
2 out of 5 stars on May 1, 2003

I really can't decide which I want to compare this to more, an episode of "24", or an episode of "The Twilight Zone". Both feature stories written around some sort of gimmick. On one hand, it's like the Twilight Zone, a simple enough gimmick is used to poke someone's emotional hotspots. On the other hand, it's like 24, a device is used, but the script falls into a trap and starts focusing on the gimmick instead of the characters.

It was an interesting gimmick. For seemingly no reason, a person ends up trapped in a phone booth, his only real connection to the real world is the person jailing him in the phone booth. The gimmick seems like a great way to delve into some emotional issues, but it really fails in that respect for me. Outside of the main character, and possibly the man at the other end of the phone call, all of the characters are so cookie-cutter flat they're almost jokes. Some of the characters, especially the cops, seem to only exist as foils for the main character to bounce various emotional issues off of.

I just felt that in a movie that ends up needing to rely only on character interaction, having flat characters was a real draw back. It was enough that I was drawn out of enjoying the movie, and focused on trivial stuff that shouldn't have mattered in a good movie.

Michelle's Review:
1 out of 5 stars on May 5, 2003

I'll say it. This movie sucked.

I was really looking forward to this one too. It had a great concept. Let me rephrase that, it had what could have been a great concept, but instead turned into a contrived piece of junk. The characters where not only thin. but unlikeable. I didn't care if the guy (what's his name again?!) got shot or not. In fact, I was kind of hoping he would be so the movie could end. The cops were Dukes of Hazzard stupid, and the end of the movie, if you make it that far, was so moronic, you'll find yourself throwing your popcorn at the screen.

I wanted to like this movie. I tried to like this movie. But it just wasn't likeable.

-- Scott and Michelle