Our Movie Reviews Spirited Away
Release Year: 2001
Average Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: May 1, 2003 (by Scott)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
4 out of 5 stars on May 1, 2003

Unlike many Anime or Fantasy movies I've seen, this doesn't really force feed any sort of meaning to you. It's mostly told in a new fantasy land of spirits and other strange characters, there doesn't seem to be a pure evil, or good character, but things are more complex.

It's a very interesting take on the spirit world, with some beautiful animation to back it up. Immediately after I watched it, I liked it, but didn't initially think it had much depth to it, that most of the spirits were just generic spirits. I then listened to an interview with the creator, and realized how much depth and purpose there is to the story. I look forward to watching it again and seeing if I can catch some of that extra depth for myself.

-- Scott and Michelle