Our Movie Reviews Frailty
Release Year: 2001
Average Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: March 10, 2003 (by Scott)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
2.5 out of 5 stars on March 10, 2003

This movie was well liked by the critics. To quote on critic, it's "A meditation on faith and madness, Frailty is blood-curdling stuff."

I must be getting cynical more rapidly than I had expected. I found Frailty a boring drawn out murder story. You have the crazed parents corrupting his children. You have the predictable plot twists. I never really felt connected to the characters, mostly because the situations there were in were too surreal for my tastes. As a result, I never really cared what they did, or found my blood curdling during the scary bits.

I'm wiling to admit, though, that horror movies aren't really my forte. If you like genre, then I'd imagine you'll enjoy Frailty.

-- Scott and Michelle