Our Movie Reviews Wishmaster
Release Year: 1997
Average Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: October 10, 2002 (by Scott)

Scott's Review:
1.5 out of 5 stars on October 10, 2002

What can I say? I think the fact this movie started off being called "Wes Craven's Wishmaster", only to be renamed speaks a lot for the quality.

It's a cheesy horror movie with somewhat okay special effects. Without spoiling the end, by the time I had finished this flick, I felt I wasted an hour and a half watching "Plot Hole: The Movie". There's no acting to speak of. The story is a joke, a sort of dark fairy tale that starts to crumble to pieces if you try to understand it. It's gross out scenes didn't manage to gross me out. Oh, and this features one of the cute things from the horror movie genre, the bad guy is easy to spot because he has an impossibly low voice.

Sometimes, it's better not to bother asking why movies become somewhat popular. Just leave them alone, because like this one, they are really as bad as they appear to be.

-- Scott and Michelle