Our Movie Reviews Rookie, The
Release Year: 2002
Average Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: October 10, 2002 (by Scott)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
4 out of 5 stars on October 10, 2002

This is a really enjoyable movie. It's a great Disney movie about chasing your dreams. I approached it with a certain amount of dread; I find that these sorts of movies can turn into corny experiences all too quickly. This one never really did. The acting was really well done, none of the characters felt out of place in the rural West Texas setting.

That said; the movie is no Field of Dreams. While Jim Morris's story is fascinating, I somehow suspect it won't become like the classic tales that occupied the field in Costner's movie.

Even though it lacks some of baseball's splendor, it's still a tear-jerking feel good movie that I highly recommend.

-- Scott and Michelle