Our Movie Reviews Time Machine, The
Release Year: 2002
Average Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: September 22, 2002 (by Scott)

Scott's Review:
2 out of 5 stars on September 22, 2002

I had heard really bad things about this movie before I watched it, so I didn't have much hope for it. The first part of it I found okay, so I was hopeful it would be an okay movie. I should have known better. It built my hopes up, only to mock me.

It's really a shame too. It has some good special effects. The time traveling and moon shots are really well done. It also has a seemingly good intro to Time Travel. A man who's suffered a great loss suffers and builds a time machine in an attempt to undo the loss. Then it suffers from three major plot problems that I saw.

Interestingly, the first major plot problem is what I initially liked about the movie. The main character's loss of his fiance is seemingly irrelevant near the end. The character eventually accepts that he can't undo it just by being told so by the big evil character. The other two plot elements are really poor attempts to move the story from a paper story to the big screen. The first one is a Battlefield Earth phenomenon. Basically, a piece of technology survives some eight hundred thousand years still fully functional, providing an important narration to the story. Then, as if stealing one stories plot problems wasn't enough, enter the Star Trek issue, and we also learn that after eight hundred thousand years, English is not a dead language. Indeed, it's spoken by all the important characters. How convenient.

I suppose I could have suspended my disbelief for all of these issues if the movie didn't degenerate into a formulaic horror flick, complete with cheesy makeup. In the end, it turned what could have been a good story into a silly exercise in plot devices.

-- Scott and Michelle