Our Movie Reviews D.A.R.Y.L.
Release Year: 1985
Average Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: June 11, 2002 (by Scott)

Scott's Review:
3 out of 5 stars on June 11, 2002

I saw this movie many years ago when I was a kid, and, before seeing it again recently, put it on a list of movies that I liked as a kid that stink now. I was wrong.

It's not a great movie, but it's not really all that bad. It feels like two movies squished together. The first being a rather standard fare orphan-boy coming to terms with his life in suburbia. The second is a bizarre James Bond like movie, as the kid finds out, or remembers, he's really a robot project from the military. Complex chase sequences ensue, but the movie never really losses it's family feeling.

And despite the fact this movie felt like a Disney family movie (it's not), the ending was really well done. Without giving it away, it manages to be a pretty standard-fare touching ending without going over the top.

-- Scott and Michelle