Our Movie Reviews Star Wars Episode II
Attack of the Clones

Release Year: 2002
Average Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: June 5, 2002 (by Scott)

Scott's Review:
3 out of 5 stars on June 5, 2002

It doesn't suck as much as the first one.

That alone should give people hope. But there's more! I actually enjoyed the movie.

Don't get me wrong, the dialog as almost painful to listen too. The love story is critical to the plot of Star Wars, but this movie would have faired much better if all of those scenes were cut from the movie. Or it would have perhaps if Lucas had asked someone that can write a line of dialog to help him out. There's an old story of Harrison Ford telling George Lucas during the filming of first movie that "you can write this shit, but we can't say it". It seemed agonizingly obvious in this movie that there's no one left that's not intimidated by Lucas to say that anymore.

Dialog aside, the rest of the movie was rather well done. It's an enjoyable sci-fi flick. That is, at least if you don't try to analyze any of the science in the movie. Seeing Yoda kick butt near the end of the movie almost makes up for all of the problems with it. It's hard to describe why, but that scene was exhilarating.

As an aside, I saw this movie twice. Once to see it digitally projected. I must say, I look forward to the days when all movies are digitally projected. The movie was crisp, clean; I didn't see any sort of compression artifacts I had expected. And, unlike film, the image was rock-steady, without any film imperfections, like the hairs or "cigarette burns" we're accustomed to seeing. The only complaint I had was the level of black wasn't perfect.

-- Scott and Michelle