Our Movie Reviews Final Fantasy
The Spirits Within

Release Year: 2001
Average Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: November 6, 2001 (by Scott)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
2 out of 5 stars on November 6, 2001

I always love how in the future, batteries glow when they're charged. I wish batteries would do that today. It would make things so much easier.

Snide comment aside, I really didn't like this movie. Don't get me wrong; it's perhaps the best animation I've ever seen. Unfortunately, even really good animation can't excuse a non-existent plot. Basically this movie really felt like a video game. Characters are searching for "spirits". They need eight. They fight bad guys (which, when it's convenient for the plot, are visible). Eventually they fight the boss at the end of the level. I was somewhat surprised to see credits roll instead of high scores.

All right, perhaps it wasn't that bad, but it was close. Great animation, you should see it just to see that. There were times when it looked one hundred percent real, and it was just incredible to watch. Sadly, given the cynical guy I am, when I wasn't being wowed with the animation, I was bemoaning the lack of a coherent plot.

-- Scott and Michelle