Our Movie Reviews Star Wars Episode I
The Phantom Menace

Release Year: 1999
Average Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: October 29, 2001 (by Michelle)
(DVD version)

Michelle's Review:
4 out of 5 stars on October 29, 2001

I grew up on Star Wars. I was 8 when the first movie came out. And I saw it many times. I used to have dreams it was real. And at times, i'd believe it actually was. So you can imagine my excitement to see a new Star Wars movie after all this time.

I don't remember if we already reviewed the movie itself, but I imagine we did, so I won't do that again. I will sum my feelings up though by saying that it is Star Wars so I enjoyed it because of that. But for the most part, and maybe it's because i'm not still 8 years old, but the movie was pretty bad for a Star Wars movie.

Anyway, the DVD is better.

The DVD comes with allot of extra stuff. Some new scenes as well, which are... let's just say, for most of them (there's 7) be VERY glad they never made the movie. If you didn't think the Phantom Menace could have been worse or more immature, think again.

The documentaries are the real reason to buy the DVD. There's many of them as well. Several minimentaries, and a couple full fledged hour-plus documentaries. It's cool to see all that goes into making a Star Wars movie.

I think George Lucas has lost his ability to write a good storyline, and with Phantom Menace he's begun to ruin the Star Wars legacy, but then, who am I to say some 8 year old kid now doesn't like it just as much as I liked Star Wars 20-(something).. years ago..

-- Scott and Michelle