Our Movie Reviews Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Release Year: 2000
Average Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: September 17, 2001 (by Scott)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
5 out of 5 stars on September 17, 2001

This was really an incredible movie. To me, this is in many ways what Unbreakable should have been. It was a great fantasy movie, complete with a Love story, and unrequited love, told in a believable way.

I have heard some others express disbelief of some of the fight scenes in the movie. What strikes me is often they complain of scenes near the end, which I can appreciate. Though, the suspension of disbelief was never dropped for me, I can understand how some might go into overload, with the sheer wonder of it all.

To me, however, this movie was a great Kung Fu film. I haven't seen many films to compare it to, but of the movies I've seen recently, this was a beautiful, breath taking, perfect movie.

-- Scott and Michelle