Our Movie Reviews Soylent Green
Release Year: 1973
Average Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: June 20, 2001 (by Michelle)

Scott's Review:
1.5 out of 5 stars on May 30, 2001

I feel fairly confident in the fact I just don't get this movie.

I chalk it up there with "THX 1138". I just can't understand why these movies are popular enough to have bits turn into pop culture references.

The ending "It's made of people" just didn't have any sort of effect on me. Maybe the fact that I knew what was going to happen didn't help. I guess the movie was just a little too artsy for my tastes.

At least now I've seen the stupid thing, and I can say, "I've seen it". That was the only reason I watched it, and that was all I got out of it.

Michelle's Review:
1 out of 5 stars on June 20, 2001

Soylent Green is people.

If you've ever heard that term, and you can't fool me, I know you have, then you already know all you need to know about this boring movie.

-- Scott and Michelle