Our Movie Reviews Battlefield Earth
Release Year: 2000
Average Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: April 26, 2001 (by Scott)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
1.5 out of 5 stars on April 26, 2001

Well, I guess I'll just add my voice to the chorus of people that say this movie stinks. It stinks.

Sure there are some mildly interesting special effects. Somehow, though, in this day and age, movies that just rely on sci-fi special effects are boring. This is no exception. There are several huge plot holes. There's machinery and weapons still being useful on thousand years after being stored in some hole, being able to learn how to fly a plane just from a flight simulator, that apparently has it's own power source. And the biggest, mankind has been forced to live in the radiation poisoned areas of earth for a thousand years, yet suffers no radiation sickness.

Plot holes aside, its jut a stupid movie. Full of aliens that are unbelievable, suffering from the classic sci-fi problem of being insanely stupid and flat, whereas the humans are all supremely intelligent.

There's a small scene near the end, short enough that if you blink, or fall asleep, you'll miss that's the lead in to the sequels that I'm sure are going to be released. I can hardly wait.

-- Scott and Michelle