Our Movie Reviews This is Spinal Tap
Release Year: 1984
Average Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: June 4, 2001 (by Michelle)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
3.5 out of 5 stars on December 28, 2000

This is a very funny movie. It's a documentary of the fictional band Spinal Tap, on one of their American tours. The movie manages to poke fun at most facets of the music industry, but mostly it tries to show how bands take themselves too seriously.

Then again, perhaps I shouldn't even try to read that much into it. I know there were probably many jokes that I didn't get, for Michelle pointed out a few that I might not have gotten (the entire band playing bass for one of the songs, being the biggest), but for the most part, I enjoyed the movie. I just enjoyed the movie's portrayal of backstage life for a major rock band.

Michelle's Review:
5 out of 5 stars on June 4, 2001

Most reviews rate movies on a scale of 1- 5 stars. So usually, when you see a review with 5 stars, you think, well, that's the best. Where can you go from there? Well, nowhere right?

Well, not this time. See, sometimes when a movie like Spinal Tap comes along, 5 just isn't enough stars. So what we do when we need that extra push over the top, that extra bit more, is go up to 6.

I know, some of you might be thinking, well, why don't you just make 5 better. make that the top star. The best you can do.....


This review goes to 6.

-- Scott and Michelle