Our Movie Reviews Unbreakable
Release Year: 2000
Average Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: November 23, 2000 (by Scott)

Scott's Review:
3 out of 5 stars on November 23, 2000

Warning, there be spoilers ahead. I just can't find a convenient way to review this without spoiling it, especially since one of my main gripes is the ending.

This is a very cute story. Perhaps told a little to slowly.

Basically, it's about a man who's been stumbling through life never getting hurt or sick. He runs into a comic book fanatic who convinces him he's in fact a super hero. After only one super hero type activity the book turns into a silly rendition of a comic book.

They shake hands, the evil guy goes off to the institution for the criminal insane, and the good guy gets the girl.

Take away the end, speed it up, and I suppose you have a comic book. As a matter of fact, were Valiant still around, it would probably be something they'd do.

-- Scott and Michelle