Our Movie Reviews Conan the Barbarian
Release Year: 1982
Average Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: November 12, 2000 (by Scott)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
2.5 out of 5 stars on November 12, 2000

This is basically a tale of Conan rising against his great enemy, the one that slays his entire village for some child slave labor, and destroying is great enemy.

Oops, I just gave away the end of the film. Never fear, there's plenty in the middle, not that I can remember much. Much of this movie, it seems to me, is paced too slowly. One of the things I enjoyed immensely about this movie though, are the battle scenes. They seemed to be very well played out, and without a ton of gore, unlike similar scenes in Gladiator.

Other than that though, I felt the movie was just too formulaic. I can understand that this movie is probably one that helped to define a lot of the formulas that it played out, but watching it now, it just seemed to not have the greatness that I was expecting.

-- Scott and Michelle