Our Movie Reviews What Planet Are You From?
Release Year: 2000
Average Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: August 15, 2000 (by Michelle)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
1 out of 5 stars on August 13, 2000

The highlight of this movie for me was John Goodman. But, he was actually only in about ten minutes or so of the movie, and even those ten minutes were pretty mundane.

Otherwise, it was just stupid. Okay, it's a Gary Shandling flick, so I was expecting something a bit off tempo, and bizarre. But what I got was just boring. The few jokes that Shandling kept trying to play felt like the left over jokes from "American Pie."

In the end, I kept watching the little timer on the DVD, hoping this movie would end soon, or get better. Thankfully it was only an hour and forty-four minutes, so at least it ended soon.

Michelle's Review:
1 out of 5 stars on August 15, 2000

Well, This is one of those movies that you rent just because there is someone in the movie that you enjoy. Not necessarily because you think the movie looks very good or anything. In this case, that actor/comedian is Gary Shandling. I have been a Gary Shandling fan ever since the old "It's Gary Shandlings Show!" was on Showtime or HBO or whichever one it was. I think he has a great sense of humor. But in this movie, with it's goofball plot, and abrupt editing, and lack of character building, not even Shandling with his dry self-depricating sense of humor can save the horrible script here. Unless you can't get enough of the vibrating penis joke, there's little else here to laugh at. The jokes that are here, are so sad and unfunnie that it makes you feel sorry for the great actors and actreesses that were cast in this so-called 'comedy". One can only suspect that they are great friends of Shandling, and did the movie soley for that reason.

But even that can't save this flick.

-- Scott and Michelle