Our Movie Reviews Man on the Moon
Release Year: 2000
Average Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: July 5, 2000 (by Michelle)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
4.5 out of 5 stars on June 10, 2000

This was a truly amazing movie. First off, Jim Carey was incredible. There were many scenes in this movie where he was absolutely indistinguishable from Andy Kaufman. The script did take some liberties with the order of evens in Kaufman's life, but over all, it was well done. It was interesting to me to see what pieces were left out. It seems they changed the script a little at the end to make Kaufman a bit more loveable, but otherwise, it was a good movie. And the ending was amazing, seeing one person out of place managed to send chills running up my back.
Michelle's Review:
5 out of 5 stars on July 5, 2000

Wow. Why didn't this movie get the movie of the year? I was completely surprised by that. I am not a huge Jim Carrey fan when he does his talk-out-of-your-butt humor, but when he gets into real roles like this one, he just amazes me. Man on the Moon is the story of Andy Kaufman, either a comedic genius, or a totally nutcase, depending on your point of view, but either way, the guy certainly caught people's attention. When I first heard of Jim Carrey doing this role I as skeptical. He didn't look like Andy, and even with Jim's uncanny ability to turn his rubberface into just about anything, I still wasn't sure he could pull of Andy Kaufman. Wow was I wrong. There are times watching this movie that you forget it's Jim Carrey on the screen, and swear it's Andy. Apparantly Jim never broke character while making the movie, and it shows.
-- Scott and Michelle