Our Movie Reviews Amateur Corpse, An
Author: Simon Brett
Average Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: May 18, 2000 (by Scott)
(Audible version)

Scott's Review:
2.5 out of 5 stars on May 18, 2000

It all starts out very simple. A little too simple, I felt the first quarter of this book dragged on too much to be really enjoyable. But, after the character introduction, and the necessary setup of evidence, the story progressed a good rate, leaving lots of twists and turns for the end. It left one issue rather unresolved, the man who was originally jailed for the murder was said to be very depressed. So depressed, that if he were released, he would just commit suicide. Otherwise, all of the little sub stories, including the blissfully ignored robbery, were conveniently summed up in the end. I think though, I might have liked the book more if the robbery was just a quick aside, nothing more, because once it was introduced, you spent too much time working out what purpose it had.
-- Scott and Michelle