Our Movie Reviews Rounders
Release Year: 1998
Average Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: April 4, 2000 (by Scott)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
3.5 out of 5 stars on April 4, 2000

Everything you every wanted to know about poker and Texas Hold 'Em. That's what they should have called this movie. It's actually seemed like a very good depiction of the classic underground gambling scene. Though, the sub-plot of love lost just seems to drag the movie on. In the end, you know the main character is going to go back to card gambling, despite promises to his girlfriend. And the screenwriters seemed to make him a lawyer for no really good reason. Check that, they had one good reason, that way he could get lots of money when he really needed it. Despite my ramblings, I did like the movie, I just thought it was a bit too slow at times, and a bit too contrived sometimes, definitely way too Hollywood.
-- Scott and Michelle