Our Movie Reviews Clockwork Orange, A
Release Year: 1971
Average Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: April 3, 2000 (by Scott)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
2.5 out of 5 stars on April 3, 2000

Twisted. That's the single best word to describe this movie. It starts off in the not too far future, 1995, following the adventures of a very violent man. He then gets captured, and he's reprogrammed by the state to be sick every time he has a violent thought, and by mistake, any time he listens to Beethoven's 9th Symphony. Then we follow him running into all of his old victims, getting beaten up, since he can't defend himself, because that requires violence. One of the former victims hears about his musical problem, and much oddity ensues. An interesting film, it has some odd commentary on the purposes of jails, and how image, at least in the political view, is more important than anything else. But, it's hard to watch, too much pointless nudity and violence for my tastes.
-- Scott and Michelle