Web Server

clsWebServer is a basic web server. Since it's almost completed encapsulated in these four classes, it's very easy to drop into an existing project with minimal new code. All you need to do is setup some options, and handle the page requests. The class also supports basic authentication.
'Start of Class Module: clsWebServer

Option Explicit

Private m_nPortNumber As Long
Private m_sAuthUser As String
Private m_sAuthPass As String
Private m_sAuthRealm As String
Private m_bAuth As Boolean
Private m_frm As Form

Public Event GetPage(sPath As String, wsr As clsWebServerResponse)

Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Private Const BASE64_CHARS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklm" & _

Private WithEvents wsk As Winsock

Private m_wpMain As clsWebServerParent
Private WithEvents m_wpMainWatcher As clsWebServerParent
Private m_cWinsocks As Collection
Private m_nID As Long
Private WithEvents m_Timer As Timer

Public Property Set ParentForm(frmNew As Form)

    Set m_frm = frmNew

End Property

Public Property Let PortNumber(nPort As Long)

    m_nPortNumber = nPort
End Property

Public Property Let AuthMode(bAuth As Boolean)

    m_bAuth = bAuth

End Property

Public Property Get AuthMode() As Boolean

    AuthMode = m_bAuth

End Property

Public Property Let AuthRealm(sAuthRealm As String)

    m_sAuthRealm = sAuthRealm

End Property

Public Property Get AuthRealm() As String

    AuthRealm = m_sAuthRealm

End Property

Public Property Let AuthUser(sAuthUser As String)

    m_sAuthUser = sAuthUser

End Property

Public Property Let AuthPass(sAuthPass As String)

    m_sAuthPass = sAuthPass

End Property

Public Property Get AuthString() As String

    AuthString = "Basic " & EncodeBase64(m_sAuthUser & ":" & m_sAuthPass)

End Property

Public Sub Start()

    Debug.Assert Not m_frm Is Nothing
    Debug.Assert m_nPortNumber > 0

    Dim sName As String

    Set m_wpMain = New clsWebServerParent
    Set m_wpMainWatcher = m_wpMain
    Set m_cWinsocks = New Collection
    sName = "wsk_" & Format(GetTickCount) & "_0"
    Set m_Timer = m_frm.Controls.Add("VB.Timer", sName & "_timer", m_frm)
    m_Timer.Enabled = True
    m_Timer.Interval = 60000

    Set wsk = m_frm.Controls.Add("MSWinsock.Winsock.1", sName, m_frm)
    wsk.LocalPort = m_nPortNumber
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

    m_nPortNumber = 80
    m_bAuth = False
    m_sAuthRealm = "Protected content"

End Sub

Private Sub m_Timer_Timer()

    Dim obj As clsWebServerClient
    Dim nMinTick As Long
    Dim i As Long
    nMinTick = GetTickCount - 60000
    For i = m_cWinsocks.Count To 1 Step -1
        Set obj = m_cWinsocks.Item(i)
        If obj.LastTick < nMinTick Then
            m_wpMainWatcher_Closed obj
        End If

End Sub

Private Sub m_wpMainWatcher_Closed(wsk As clsWebServerClient)

    Dim obj As clsWebServerClient
    Dim i As Long
    For i = m_cWinsocks.Count To 1 Step -1
        Set obj = m_cWinsocks.Item(i)
        If obj Is wsk Then
            m_cWinsocks.Remove i
            Exit For
        End If

End Sub

Private Sub m_wpMainWatcher_GetID(nID As Long)

    m_nID = m_nID + 1
    nID = m_nID

End Sub

Private Sub m_wpMainWatcher_GetPage(sPath As String, wsr As _

    RaiseEvent GetPage(sPath, wsr)

End Sub

Private Sub wsk_ConnectionRequest(ByVal requestID As Long)

    Dim obj As clsWebServerClient
    Set obj = New clsWebServerClient
    obj.Start m_frm, m_wpMain, Me
    obj.wsk.Accept requestID
    m_cWinsocks.Add obj

End Sub

Function EncodeBase64(sToEncode As String)
  Dim i As Long
  Dim cOut As String
  For i = 1 To Len(sToEncode) Step 3
    Dim nGroup As Long
    Dim sGroup As String
    nGroup = &H10000 * Asc(Mid(sToEncode, i, 1)) + _
      &H100 * Asc(Mid(sToEncode, i + 1, 1) & Chr(0)) + _
      Asc(Mid(sToEncode, i + 2, 1) & Chr(0))
    sGroup = Oct(nGroup)
    sGroup = String(8 - Len(sGroup), "0") & sGroup
    EncodeBase64 = EncodeBase64 & _
      Mid(BASE64_CHARS, CLng("&o" & Mid(sGroup, 1, 2)) + 1, 1) + _
      Mid(BASE64_CHARS, CLng("&o" & Mid(sGroup, 3, 2)) + 1, 1) + _
      Mid(BASE64_CHARS, CLng("&o" & Mid(sGroup, 5, 2)) + 1, 1) + _
      Mid(BASE64_CHARS, CLng("&o" & Mid(sGroup, 7, 2)) + 1, 1)
  Select Case Len(sToEncode) Mod 3
    Case 1: '8 bit final
      EncodeBase64 = Left(EncodeBase64, Len(EncodeBase64) - 2) + "=="
    Case 2: '16 bit final
      EncodeBase64 = Left(EncodeBase64, Len(EncodeBase64) - 1) + "="
  End Select
End Function

'End of Class Module: clsWebServer

'Start of Class Module: clsWebServerClient

Option Explicit

Public WithEvents wsk As Winsock
Public LastTick As Long

Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long

Private m_sData As String
Private m_wpMain As clsWebServerParent
Private m_wpSettings As clsWebserver
Private m_frm As Form
Private m_sGetPath As String
Private m_sGetAuth As String
Private m_sOut As String

Public Sub Start(frm As Form, wp As clsWebServerParent, wpm As _

    LastTick = GetTickCount

    Dim nID As Long
    Dim sName As String

    Set m_wpMain = wp
    Set m_wpSettings = wpm
    m_wpMain.TriggerGetID nID
    sName = "wsk_" & Format(GetTickCount) & "_" & Format(nID)

    Set wsk = frm.Controls.Add("MSWinsock.Winsock.1", sName, frm)
End Sub

Private Sub wsk_Close()

    m_wpMain.TriggerClosed Me

End Sub

Private Sub wsk_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)

    Dim sData As String
    wsk.GetData sData, vbString
    m_sData = m_sData & Replace(sData, vbCr, "")

    Do While InStr(1, m_sData, vbLf)
        ParseLine Mid(m_sData, 1, InStr(1, m_sData, vbLf) - 1)
        m_sData = Mid(m_sData, InStr(1, m_sData, vbLf) + 1)

End Sub

Private Sub ParseLine(sLine As String)

    If Mid(sLine, 1, 4) = "GET " Then
        Dim vSplit As Variant
        vSplit = Split(sLine, " ")
        m_sGetPath = vSplit(1)
    ElseIf Mid(sLine, 1, 15) = "Authorization: " Then
        m_sGetAuth = Mid(sLine, 16)
    ElseIf sLine = "" Then
        Dim sOut As String
        Dim bShowPage As Boolean
        bShowPage = False
        If m_wpSettings.AuthMode Then
            If m_sGetAuth = m_wpSettings.AuthString Then
                bShowPage = True
                sOut = "HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required" & vbNewLine
                sOut = sOut & "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=""" & _
                   m_wpSettings.AuthRealm & """" & _

                sOut = sOut & "Content-Type: text/html" & vbNewLine
                sOut = sOut & "" & vbNewLine
                sOut = sOut & _
                   "<html><head><title>Sorry</title></head><body>" & _

                sOut = sOut & "You entered the wrong " _
                   & "password</body></html>" & _

            End If
            bShowPage = True
        End If
        If bShowPage Then
            Dim wsr As clsWebServerResponse
            Set wsr = New clsWebServerResponse
            m_wpMain.TriggerGetPage m_sGetPath, wsr
            sOut = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" & vbNewLine
            sOut = sOut & "Content-type: " & wsr.ContentType & vbNewLine _
               & vbNewLine

            sOut = sOut & wsr.Page
        End If
        m_sGetPath = ""
        m_sGetAuth = ""
        m_sOut = sOut
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub SendData()

    If m_sOut = "" Then
        m_wpMain.TriggerClosed Me
        Exit Sub
    End If

    If Len(m_sOut) > 4096 Then
        wsk.SendData Mid(m_sOut, 1, 4096)
        m_sOut = Mid(m_sOut, 4097)
        wsk.SendData m_sOut
        m_sOut = ""
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub wsk_SendComplete()


End Sub

'End of Class Module: clsWebServerClient

'Start of Class Module: clsWebServerParent

Option Explicit

Public Event Closed(wsk As clsWebServerClient)
Public Event GetID(nID As Long)
Public Event GetPage(sPath As String, wsr As clsWebServerResponse)

Public Sub TriggerGetPage(sPath As String, wsr As clsWebServerResponse)
    RaiseEvent GetPage(sPath, wsr)
End Sub

Public Sub TriggerClosed(wsk As clsWebServerClient)
    RaiseEvent Closed(wsk)
End Sub

Public Sub TriggerGetID(nID As Long)
    RaiseEvent GetID(nID)
End Sub

'End of Class Module: clsWebServerParent

'Start of Class Module: clsWebServerResponse

Option Explicit

Private m_sPage As String
Private m_sContentType As String

Public Property Get Page() As String

    Page = m_sPage

End Property

Public Property Let Page(sNewPage As String)

    m_sPage = sNewPage

End Property

Public Property Get ContentType() As String

    ContentType = m_sContentType

End Property

Public Property Let ContentType(sNewContentType As String)

    m_sContentType = sNewContentType

End Property

Public Sub LoadPageFromFile(sFile As String)

    Dim nFile As Long
    nFile = FreeFile
    Open sFile For Binary As #nFile
    m_sPage = Input(LOF(nFile), #nFile)
    Close #nFile
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

    m_sContentType = "text/html"

End Sub

'End of Class Module: clsWebServerResponse
Sample Usage:
Option Explicit

Private WithEvents m_webMain As clsWebserver

Private Sub Form_Load()

    Set m_webMain = New clsWebserver
    Set m_webMain.ParentForm = Me
    m_webMain.PortNumber = 80

End Sub

Private Sub m_webMain_GetPage(sPath As String, wsr As _

    wsr.Page = "<html><head><title>Sample</title></head><body>"
    wsr.Page = wsr.Page & "This is a sample page<br>Path = ["
    wsr.Page = wsr.Page & sPath & "]</body></html>"
End Sub