
This function converts a string to its soundex equivalent. This can be used to help index strings and allow for similar sounding lookup without too much overhead. You can find out more information about the soundex system from the NARA.
Public Function Soundex(sWord As String) As String

    Dim nPos As Long
    Dim nSoundPos As Long
    Dim bLastVowel As Boolean
    Dim sLastCode As String
    Dim sCode As String
    If Len(sWord) = 0 Then
        Soundex = "0000"
        Exit Function
    End If
    Soundex = UCase(Mid(sWord, 1, 1)) & "000"
    nSoundPos = 2
    nPos = 2
    bLastVowel = False
    sLastCode = xSoundexGetCode(UCase(Mid(sWord, 1, 1)))
    Do While nPos <= Len(sWord) And nSoundPos <= 4
        If xSoundexIsVowel(Mid(sWord, nPos, 1)) Then
            bLastVowel = True
            sCode = xSoundexGetCode(Mid(sWord, nPos, 1))
            If bLastVowel Then
                sLastCode = ""
            End If
            If sCode <> sLastCode Then
                If Len(sCode) = 1 Then
                    sLastCode = sCode
                    Mid(Soundex, nSoundPos, 1) = sCode
                    nSoundPos = nSoundPos + 1
                End If
            End If
            bLastVowel = False
        End If
        nPos = nPos + 1
End Function

Private Function xSoundexIsVowel(sLetter As String) As Boolean

    Select Case UCase(sLetter)
        Case "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "Y"
            xSoundexIsVowel = True
        Case Else
            xSoundexIsVowel = False
    End Select

End Function

Private Function xSoundexGetCode(sLetter As String) As String

    Select Case UCase(sLetter)
        Case "B", "F", "P", "V"
            xSoundexGetCode = "1"
        Case "C", "G", "J", "K", "Q", "S", "X", "Z"
            xSoundexGetCode = "2"
        Case "D", "T"
            xSoundexGetCode = "3"
        Case "L"
            xSoundexGetCode = "4"
        Case "M", "N"
            xSoundexGetCode = "5"
        Case "R"
            xSoundexGetCode = "6"
        Case Else
            xSoundexGetCode = ""
    End Select

End Function

Private Function xSoundexTest()

    Debug.Assert Soundex("Gutierrez") = "G362"
    Debug.Assert Soundex("Pfister") = "P236"
    Debug.Assert Soundex("Jackson") = "J250"
    Debug.Assert Soundex("Tymczak") = "T522"
    Debug.Assert Soundex("VanDeusen") = "V532"
    Debug.Assert Soundex("Tymczak") = "T522"
    Debug.Assert Soundex("Ashcraft") = "A261"
    Debug.Assert Soundex("Washington") = "W252"
    Debug.Assert Soundex("Lee") = "L000"

End Function
Sample Usage:
    Debug.Print Soundex("Equivalent") 'E214
    Debug.Print Soundex("Eqivilent")  'Also E214