
This is a simple function that word wraps a string into smaller strings, separating each line with a newline.
Public Function WrapString( _
   sLineToWrap As String, _
   Optional nFirstLine As Long = 5, _
   Optional nOtherLines As Long = 0, _
   Optional nLineLength As Long = 72) As String

    Dim bFirst As Boolean
    Dim nPos As Long
    Dim bBreakFound As Boolean
    bFirst = True

    Do While Len(sLineToWrap) > nLineLength
        nPos = nLineLength
        bBreakFound = False
        Do Until nPos = 0 Or bBreakFound
            If Mid(sLineToWrap, nPos, 1) = " " Then
                bBreakFound = True
            ElseIf Mid(sLineToWrap, nPos, 1) = "-" Then
                bBreakFound = True
                nPos = nPos - 1
            End If
        If nPos = 0 Then
            nPos = nLineLength
        End If
        WrapString = WrapString & Space(IIf(bFirst, nFirstLine, _
           nOtherLines)) & Mid(sLineToWrap, 1, nPos) & vbNewLine
        sLineToWrap = Mid(sLineToWrap, nPos + 1)
        bFirst = False
    WrapString = WrapString & Space(IIf(bFirst, _
       nFirstLine, nOtherLines)) & sLineToWrap

End Function
Sample Usage:
    Dim sLine As String
    sLine = "This is a really long continuous line that I wrote to "
    sLine = sLine & "demonstrate the wrapping capabilities of the "
    sLine = sLine & "WrapString function.  This text serves no "
    sLine = sLine & "other purpose other than as an example for "
    sLine = sLine & "this function, feel free to ignore this text."

    Debug.Print WrapString(sLine)