
This bit of code shows how to determine the point that two lines intersect at. Pretty straightforward code, just a matter of thinking back to all of those geometry classes. See the sample code for usage.
Option Explicit

Private Type PointType
    X As Double
    Y As Double
End Type

Private Type LineType
    Pt1 As PointType
    Pt2 As PointType
End Type
Private Sub LinesIntersect(ln1 As LineType, ln2 As LineType, _
   pt As PointType, bParallel As Boolean)

    Dim bVertical(1 To 2) As Boolean
    Dim m(1 To 2) As Double
    Dim b(1 To 2) As Double
    'Check to see if either of the lines is vertical
    bVertical(1) = (ln1.Pt1.X = ln1.Pt2.X)
    bVertical(2) = (ln2.Pt1.X = ln2.Pt2.X)
    bParallel = False
    If bVertical(1) And bVertical(2) Then
        'Both lines are vertical, so they're parallel
        bParallel = True
    ElseIf bVertical(1) Then
        'Calculate the non-vertical line's slope and offset
        m(2) = (ln2.Pt2.Y - ln2.Pt1.Y) / (ln2.Pt2.X - ln2.Pt1.X)
        b(2) = ln2.Pt1.Y - (m(2) * ln2.Pt1.X)
        'and use it to determine the intersection point
        pt.X = ln1.Pt1.X
        pt.Y = m(2) * pt.X + b(2)
    ElseIf bVertical(2) Then
        'Calculate the non-vertical line's slope and offset
        m(1) = (ln1.Pt2.Y - ln1.Pt1.Y) / (ln1.Pt2.X - ln1.Pt1.X)
        b(1) = ln1.Pt1.Y - (m(1) * ln1.Pt1.X)
        'and use it to determine the intersection point
        pt.X = ln2.Pt1.X
        pt.Y = m(1) * pt.X + b(1)
        'Calculate the slopes of both lines
        m(1) = (ln1.Pt2.Y - ln1.Pt1.Y) / (ln1.Pt2.X - ln1.Pt1.X)
        m(2) = (ln2.Pt2.Y - ln2.Pt1.Y) / (ln2.Pt2.X - ln2.Pt1.X)
        If m(1) = m(2) Then
            'The slopes are equal, so the lines are parallel
            bParallel = True
            'They differ, so calculate the offset of the lines
            b(1) = ln1.Pt1.Y - (m(1) * ln1.Pt1.X)
            b(2) = ln2.Pt1.Y - (m(2) * ln2.Pt1.X)
            'Now, calculate the intersection point
            pt.X = (b(2) - b(1)) / (m(1) - m(2))
            pt.Y = m(1) * pt.X + b(1)
        End If
    End If
End Sub
Sample Usage:
    'Requires two lines (Line1, Line2) and one shape (Shape1)

    Randomize Timer

    Dim bParallel As Boolean
    Dim pt As PointType
    Dim ln1 As LineType
    Dim ln2 As LineType
    'Randomly position the lines
    Line1.X1 = Rnd * ScaleWidth
    Line1.X2 = Rnd * ScaleWidth
    Line2.X1 = Rnd * ScaleWidth
    Line2.X2 = Rnd * ScaleWidth
    Line1.Y1 = Rnd * ScaleHeight
    Line1.Y2 = Rnd * ScaleHeight
    Line2.Y1 = Rnd * ScaleHeight
    Line2.Y2 = Rnd * ScaleHeight
    'Set our line type to the lines' position
    ln1.Pt1.X = Line1.X1
    ln1.Pt1.Y = Line1.Y1
    ln1.Pt2.X = Line1.X2
    ln1.Pt2.Y = Line1.Y2
    ln2.Pt1.X = Line2.X1
    ln2.Pt1.Y = Line2.Y1
    ln2.Pt2.X = Line2.X2
    ln2.Pt2.Y = Line2.Y2
    'Calculate the point of intersection
    LinesIntersect ln1, ln2, pt, bParallel
    If bParallel Then
        MsgBox "Lines are parallel or the same line."
        Shape1.Width = 90
        Shape1.Height = 90
        Shape1.Top = pt.Y - Shape1.Height / 2
        Shape1.Left = pt.X - Shape1.Width / 2
    End If