| These functions word wrap code passed to them. Since these codes wrap the code somewhat intelligently, by putting an underscore at the end of lines, and trying to break apart long strings, it's ideal for use on code before sending it via mail, or posting it. Note: This code uses the clsStringCollection class, it's available under the Strings->Split on my sample code page. |
| Private Function WrapCode(ByVal sCode As String) As String
Dim sc As New clsStringCollection
Dim vLine As Variant
sc.SplitInto sCode, vbNewLine
For Each vLine In sc
WrapCode = WrapCode & WrapCodeLine(CStr(vLine)) & vbNewLine
End Function
Private Function WrapCodeLine(sLine As String) As String
If Len(sLine) >= 75 Then
Dim sOut As String
Dim nSpacePos As Long
Dim nTab As Long
Dim bQuote As Boolean
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
nTab = 0
While Mid(sLine, nTab + 1, 1) = " "
nTab = nTab + 1
While Len(sLine) >= 73 - (nTab + 3)
nSpacePos = 73
Do Until Mid(sLine, nSpacePos, 1) = " "
nSpacePos = nSpacePos - 1
If bQuote Then
j = nTab + 7
j = 1
End If
For i = j To nSpacePos
If Mid(sLine, i, 1) = Chr(34) Then
bQuote = Not bQuote
End If
If bQuote Then
sOut = sOut & Mid(sLine, 1, nSpacePos) & Chr(34) & " _" _
& vbNewLine
sLine = Space(nTab + 3) & "& " & Chr(34) & Mid(sLine, _
nSpacePos + 1)
sOut = sOut & Mid(sLine, 1, nSpacePos) & "_" & vbNewLine
sLine = Space(nTab + 3) & Mid(sLine, nSpacePos + 1)
End If
sOut = sOut & sLine & vbNewLine
WrapCodeLine = sOut
WrapCodeLine = sLine
End If
End Function